Is there confusion about the role of product marketing in your company? Do people think it’s not a strategic function? That it’s all about creating pretty PowerPoints and data sheets? Does your team know where product management ends and product marketing begins?

These resources will help – get started today.
The Product Marketing Framework helps you and your stakeholders to understand the strategic role and scope of product marketing – and where it fits in the broader organization between product management, marketing, sales and most importantly the customer.
Using the Product Marketing Framework you will have clarity around what to expect and what not to expect from Product marketing, and you’ll be able to build better working relationships with other teams. And product marketing will come play a critical role in developing and executing your company’s go-to-market strategy.

Learn about the strategic role of product marketing, including the Product Marketing Framework.

This editable workbook will help you to determine the key roles of product marketing in your company. Complete the form below and we will email the Workbook to you.